chewy triple ginger cookies

I have a confession to make and as my work colleagues don't read my blog, this secret will stay just between you and me. I don't take all my baking into work. Sometimes I'm selfish and I'll bake something just for the biscuit tin which is what I did last weekend.

For those of you who've been reading my blog for a while, I'm still looking for the perfect ginger biscuit recipe. I read through this chewy triple ginger cookie recipe from August's Australian Gourmet Traveller (AGT) magazine, checked my fridge and cupboards and apart from the Demerara sugar, I had all the ingredients required. I figured I could use some old fashioned coffee sugar crystals instead of the Demerara sugar so I rolled up my sleeves and put these together. The most time consuming part of the recipe was the ginger grating and juice squeezing part, but even then that wasn't too onerous.

The recipe indicates it will make 18 biscuits. I used the cookie scoop I bought in New York a few years ago, which holds about a tablespoon. Well I made 24 generously proportioned cookies and I still have dough left over which is in the freezer, so I figure 36 is closer to the mark.

Chewy Triple Ginger Cookies - makes about 18
160 gm softened butter
110 gm each dark muscovado sugar and raw caster sugar
60 gm honey
1 egg
330 gm plain flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1½ tbsp ground ginger
½ tsp each ground cinnamon and ground cloves
40 gm fresh ginger finely grated
40 gm candied ginger, finely diced
pinch of salt +/- white pepper
Demerara sugar, for coating

Preheat oven to 180°C. Beat butter, sugars and honey in an electric mixer until fluffy and pale (3-4 minutes). Scrape down sides of bowl, beat in egg, then sieve over dry ingredients and stir to combine. Squeeze as much juice as possible from fresh ginger into the dough (discard solids) add candied ginger and a pinch of salt (and white pepper if using) and stir to combine.

Roll heaped tablespoons of mixture into balls, flatten slightly then coat in Demerara sugar. Place on oven trays lined with baking paper, leaving 5cm between each to allow for spread. Bake swapping trays halfway to cook evenly, until dark golden around the edges (10-12 minutes). Cool on trays, then store in an airtight container until required. Cookies will keep for 5 days.

I have another confession to make. I love dunking my ginger biscuits into a hot cup of tea. Once these were photographed, that's exactly what I did and I had not one, but two. These cookies are nice and spicy with some added crunch from the coffee sugar crystals. I'm always tweaking recipes so I added a pinch of white pepper to the dough just to bump up the spice factor a bit more.

I still have quite a few biscuits left in the tin so once this is written I'm off to brew some tea and get dunking.

See you all again next week,


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